Dahua CCTV

Dome Camara
These cameras have a dome-shaped transparent casing that the camera unit sits inside. This protective design makes them suitable for indoor and outdoor use, which is why they often come equipped with infrared LEDs and night-vision technology.

NVR recorder
P cameras capture and process video and audio data, while NVR helps to record videos and manage cameras. Network connection: IP security cameras connect to the NVR using wired or wireless connections. Typically, if it's a wired connection, an Ethernet cable can be used to connect to the NVR.

PTZ camaras
PTZ cameras use pan, tilt, and zoom functionality to provide both wide-area coverage and great detail. Specialized cameras, like positioning systems, anti-corrosion cameras, and explosion-proof cameras are also available for user special applications.

Bullet cameras
ong-Range Vision: Bullet cameras tend to work well for long-distance viewing. Like a pair of binoculars, it is often used to view images of subjects — such as license plates or people — from far away. Installation: The bullet camera is typically found mounted to walls, though some do mount to ceilings.